Candle Bouquets | Candle and Ferrero Rocher Bouquet (2024)

Candle bouquets.

Our stunning range of candle bouquets, are perfect birthday, thank you or get well gift. Gift differently by sending on of our candle and chocolate hampers.

We are a Yankee Candle official stockist as well as The Country Candle Company and Best Kept Secrets. We have taken these amazing scented candles and created a gorgeous range of candle bouquets combined with silk flowers and chocolates that make the perfect gift for many occasions.

All our candle gift sets are handmade to order containing beautiful scented candles mixed with a delicious selection of chocolates. A Candle and Ferrero Rocher bouquet is a gift that they will never forget.

We can included a personal message with your chocolate and candle bouquet and send it directly to the recipient.

Next Day delivery is available.

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Alcohol Bouquets

Rose Wine Yankee Candle Bouquet


Know arosewine lover? This is the bouquet for them. This bouquet has it all. Whether this is a gift for a birthday, to say get well or just to show your love for that special someone this is the gift for you. The lucky recipient can enjoy the beautiful scent of Yankee Candle whilst indulging with Lindor chocolate and a cheeky glass of rose wine, with 3...


Candle Bouquet.

Yankee Candle Prosecco and Pink Rose Bouquet


A stunning gift that includes genuine Yankee Candles, Prosecco andlindorchocolate. An incredible combination of Yankee Candles, delicious Prosecco and yummylindorchocolate mixed with delicate pink and cream silk roses, expertly presented as a gift bouquet. The perfect gift ideal for birthdays, get well, thank you or Mother's Day. Comes gift wrapped...


Candle Bouquet.

Lindor and Candles Purple Paradise Bouquet


Celebrate that special occasionin a touch of purple with this stunning Lindor and Yankee Candle bouquet. This bouquet contains delicious Lindor truffles and fragrant Yankee Candle votives nestled with silk flowers and foliage. This is a fantastic bouquet is fabulous for any occasion, from a birthday or thank you to a get well soon or Christmas gift and...


Get Well Gifts

Yankee Candle and Ferrero Rocher Bouquet.


Yankee Candle andFerrero Rocher bouquet. An amazing combination of Yankee Candles, delicious Ferrero Rocherchocolates mixed with gorgeous cream silk roses, expertly presented as a gift bouquet. The perfect gift ideal for birthdays, get well, thank you or Mother's Day. Comes gift wrapped with a personal message included.EAN:7426843545783


Birthday Gifts

Roses, Ferrero Rocher and Candles Bouquet


What a corker this bouquet is!Get the glasses out and celebrate in style with our wonderful Yankee Candle, Roses and Ferrero Rocher bouquet. A premium gift perfect for a premium occasion when only the best will do. An amazing gift that arrives gift wrapped with your personal message included. Next day delivery and Chosen date delivery is available.


Candle Bouquet.

Luxury Candles and Ferrero Rocher Chocolate Bouquet


How could you nut love this gorgeous Ferrero Rocher bouquet. This incredible bouquet contains Ferrero Rocher and Yankee Candles nestled in silk flowers for a beautiful gift for all occasions. Definitely one for the Ferrero Rocher lovers out there. This item comes hand gift wrapped in spotty cellophane and your personal message can be included (please add...


Candle Bouquet.

Lindor Chocolates and Yankee Candle Bouquet


Yankee Candle andLindt Lindor chocolate bouquet. An amazing combination of Yankee Candles, deliciousLindtchocolates mixed with gorgeouspremium silk flowers, expertly presented as a gift bouquet. The perfect gift ideal for birthdays, get well, thank you or Mother's Day. Comes gift wrapped with a personal message included.


Candle Bouquet.

Large Ferrero Rocher and Yankee Candles Chocolate Bouquet


This gift couldn't be more stunning with a selection of delightful Yankee Candles nestled in between beautiful silk roses along side yummy Ferrero Rocher chocolates. The perfect gift to celebrate an anniversary, as a birthday present or just to send huge love to that someone special. This bouquet comes gift wrapped in spotted cellophane and your personal...


Alcohol Bouquets

Yankee Candles, Prosecco and Ferrero Rocher Bouquet


Prosecco, Yankee Candles and Ferrero Rocher bouquet. An amazing combination of Yankee Candles, delicious Ferrero Rocherchocolates and a bottle or Prosecco, mixed with gorgeous cream silk roses, expertly presented as a gift bouquet. The perfect gift ideal for birthdays, get well, thank you or Mother's Day. Comes gift wrapped with a personal message...


Candle Bouquet.

Galaxy and Yankee Candle Bouquet


If you are looking for an extra special gift our Yankee Candle and Galaxy chocolate bouquetwill hit the mark. Beautifully displayed are bars of delicious Galaxy chocolate, beautiful white silk flowers and a selection of Yankee Candle Votives. This stunning unique bouquet will make an excellent gift for birthdays, thank you, get well or new home. Comes...


Candle Bouquet.

Yankee Candles and Lindt Lindor Chocolate Bouquet


Yankee Candle andLindt Lindor bouquet. An amazing combination of Yankee Candles, delicious Lindor chocolates mixed with gorgeous cream silk roses, expertly presented as a gift bouquet. The perfect gift ideal for birthdays, get well, thank you or Mother's Day. Comes gift wrapped with a personal message included.


Candle Bouquet.

Dairy Milk Yankee Candle Bouquet


Totally delicious and totally beautiful, this chocolate and candle bouquet is just perfect. An excellent gift to send someone who loves chocolate, flowers and candles, which have all been expertly combined together to produce a stunning gift that definitely will delight the lucky recipient. This unique bouquet comes gift wrapped with a personal message...

Candle Bouquets | Candle and Ferrero Rocher Bouquet (2024)


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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.