Flowers and Chocolates Chocolate Bouquets and Flowers (2024)

Chocolate Bouquets with Flowers.

The Unique Gift Store creates bouquets just like a normal florist does but with our unique twist, our bouquets are made from delicious chocolates, combined with flowers and arranged in our unique way to create a stunning display that makes the perfect gift for all occasions.

Each bouquet is individually handcrafted by our expert team who have been creating our stunning chocolate and flower bouquets since 2008.

No longer do you need to choose between sending chocolates or flowers! Now you can send chocolates and flowers in one amazing arrangement.

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Gin Gifts

Gin Temptation Bouquet


Gin! Gin! Celebrate in style with this Gintastic bouquet. Combining Gin and chocolate was surely one of our best ideas! Whether this is a gift for a ginconnoisseur or a budding gin enthusiast this bouquet is sure to hit the spot and fulfil a gin dream. Featuringa selection of flavouredliqueurs, a box of chocolates and ginchocolatethis is a great...


Alcohol Bouquets

Rose Wine Yankee Candle Bouquet


Know arosewine lover? This is the bouquet for them. This bouquet has it all. Whether this is a gift for a birthday, to say get well or just to show your love for that special someone this is the gift for you. The lucky recipient can enjoy the beautiful scent of Yankee Candle whilst indulging with Lindor chocolate and a cheeky glass of rose wine, with 3...


Chocolate Bouquets

Lindor and Ferrero Rocher Infusion Chocolate Bouquet


A fabulous gift of Lindor and FerreroRocher with the wow factor tobring a smile to the lovely recipients face.Arranged alongside beautiful silk flowers are 6 Ferrero Rocher chocolate anda box of Lindor truffles. A great small gift idea for a birthday, thank you, I love you, get well or congratulations. This item comes gift wrapped in polka dot...


Chocolate Bouquets

Milk Tray and Dairy Milk Bouquet


Nothing beats the timeless taste of classic Cadbury Dairy Milk or the excitement of diving into a box of Milk Tray to grab your favourite flavour before it's too late! This bouquet combines delicious Dairy Milk anda scrummy box of Milk Tray with beautiful silk flowers to create a lovely gift, the perfect alternative to a traditional gift. This item is...


Alcohol Bouquets

Rosé Prosecco Ferrero Rocher Bouquet


Raise a glass..or two..or three, with this amazing prosecco and chocolate bouquet. This bouquetis definitely a prosecco celebration containing three 20cl bottles prosecco hand arranged by our expert team alongside beautiful silk flowers, Ferrero Rocher and a box of Lindt Swiss luxury collection. This is a stunning gift for all occasions from a huge happy...


Chocolate Bouquets

Stunning Luxury Ferrero Rocher Bouquet.


Luxury Ferrero Rocher chocolate bouquet made from Ferrero Rocher chocolates which have been combined with silk flowers and beautiful multi-coloured butterflies. A very special gift handmade to order for a very special person. Available in three sizes. Displayed in a cream presentation vase with a butterfly on the vase. Gift wrapped with a personal message.


Chocolate Bouquets

Large Cadbury Variety and Flowers Bouquet


A large Cadbury variety chocolate bouquet with gorgeous silk flowers, filled with assorted bars of Cadbury chocolate. The large selection of chocolate bars include Curlywurly, Dairy Milk bars, Twirl, Chomp, Wispa, Boost, means that there is a treat in there for everyone. A delicious gift for birthdays, get well or many other celebrations. Comes gift...


Chocolate Bouquets

Flowers and Ferrero Rocher Chocolates.


A stunning arrangement of Ferrero Rocher chocolates combined with beautiful silk flowers to create a gift that they will love. Send two gifts in one chocolates and flowers the perfect combination, the perfect gift for birthdays, get well, thank you or just to say you care. There is the option to add your personal message on a free gift tag. Preferred...


Get Well Gifts

Cadbury's Flowers Chocolate Bouquet


Oh yummy Cadbury's Chocolate and Flowers the perfect combination. A stunning arrangement of Cadbury's chocolate combined with beautiful shades of silk flowers, an amazing unique gift, perfect to let someone know how much you care and how much thought has gone into their gift. Each bouquet is handmade to order to ensure your gift is as fresh as possible....


Birthday Gifts

Champagne and Yankee Candle Silk Rose Bouquet


Cheers to you!Get the glasses out and celebrate in style with our wonderful Yankee Candle, champagne, silk roses and Ferrero Rocher bouquet. Astunninggift perfect for athat really special occasion when only the best will do. An amazing gift that arrives gift wrapped with your personal message included. Chosen date delivery is available.


Get Well Gifts

Ferrero Rocher and Prosecco chocolate bouquet - Miss Millie


Luxury Ferrero Rocher and Prosecco chocolate flowers gift bouquet, this stunning creation always lets the lucky recipient know how much thought you have put into their gift. Ouramazing design is made from delicious Ferrero Rocher chocolates each one made into a florets, then arrange to appear as a bouquet of chocolates with beautiful silk flowers...


Birthday Gifts

All My Heart Ferrero Rocher Bouquet - Love and Roses


Send all your love in chocolate form with this beautiful bouquet of Ferrero Rocher chocolates. This bouquet contains Ferrero Rocher chocolates arranged alongside chocolate hearts, beautiful silk rose and a love heart pick to create a gift that is perfect as an edible alternative to flowers. Your personal message can be added and chosen date delivery is...

Flowers and Chocolates  Chocolate Bouquets and Flowers (2024)


Are flowers and chocolates good for a gift? ›

You can never go too wrong with flowers and chocolates to treat that special someone. There's something incredibly satisfying in receiving a combination of flowers and chocolates. We may see flowers and chocolate almost every day, but when received as a surprise, they never disappoint.

What are the benefits of chocolate bouquets? ›

They have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and have been known to release dopamine in the brain, a hormone that makes people feel happy. While it is important to limit the intake of sweet treats to prevent unhealthy spikes in blood sugar, chocolate can be a very healthy snack in small amounts.

How many chocolate bars in a chocolate bouquet? ›

The Chocolate Bar Bouquet has a great selection of chocolate brands, from Cadbury's to Mars & Nestle. The medium bouquet contains 15 bars of chocolate, the large size contains 25 bars and the extra large contains 45 chocolate bars!

What do you need for chocolate bouquet? ›

What you need to make a chocolate bouquet
  1. Chocolate bars.
  2. Jar or box.
  3. Foam.
  4. Coloured tissue paper.
  5. Rubber bands.
  6. Ribbon.
  7. Cello tape.
Feb 20, 2023

Which is more romantic to give her, flowers or chocolates? ›

While chocolates are a delicious gift to give on Valentine's Day, flowers are definitely a far more meaningful gift to receive. They are meaningful because the type and color of flowers each have a unique meaning. For example, red often represents passion, devotion, and romance.

What is the etiquette for gifting flowers? ›

Give the Correct Number of Flowers: Also consider the number of flowers you give, as what is appropriate varies from place-to-place. In the U.S. a dozen flowers is appropriate and customary. In Europe and elsewhere even numbers are considered inappropriate. Almost everywhere, the number 13 is considered unlucky.

How long do chocolate flowers last? ›

Q: How long do chocolate flowers last? A: They have a very long bloom time and can bloom in the garden from spring until the first frost in fall.

Do chocolate flowers like sun or shade? ›

Chocolate flower
Plant TypePerennial
Water NeedsDry to xeric
USDA Hardiness ZoneZones 4-9
Soil TypeWell-drained clay or sandy
12 more rows

Is gifting chocolate a good idea? ›

Whether it's a birthday, as a way to say thank you, an anniversary, or “just because”, chocolate is always a welcome gift and your best moments will be all the more special when it's sweetened with chocolate.

What sticks to use for chocolate bouquet? ›

You will need wooden skewers with flat ends to craft your bouquet. Also, a hot glue gun will be handy when you begin to assemble your Christmas bouquet. Here are some more items you need to create a sweet bouquet for the chocoholic in your life.

How do you take care of chocolate flowers? ›

Preferred growing conditions:
  1. Plant in most any soil including clay with full sun conditions.
  2. Mulch with gravel to encourage re-seeding. Otherwise, mulching is not needed.
  3. Keep regularly watered for the first growing season to establish the roots. ...
  4. Fertilize lightly in the fall with Yum Yum Mix/compost blend.

How do you make a Hershey Kiss bouquet? ›

Starting at bottom of rose, wrap florist tape around edges of cellophane, continuing down the full length of wire with tape. Add 1 or 2 artificial leaves, if desired, securing leaves in place with florist tape. Tie two or more candy roses together with a bow to make a bouquet.

Is chocolate an appropriate gift? ›

Chocolate has been a popular gift for centuries, and for good reason. It's versatile and delicious. It can be personalized to suit the recipient's taste. Whether you're celebrating a birthday or anniversary, or just want to show someone you care, chocolate is a thoughtful and appreciated gift.

What is the meaning of chocolate and flowers? ›

Combining Roses and Chocolate

Roses are traditionally associated with love, passion, and devotion, while Chocolate is seen as a symbol of comfort, indulgence, and luxury. By combining the two, a giver can convey a deep and meaningful message of love, appreciation, and romantic intent.

Is giving chocolate a good gift? ›

Chocolate makes for a wonderful gift across all ages, too. It's a timeless delight that brings instant happiness. From kids to grandparents, the joy of indulging in a sweet treat for a special birthday is universally cherished.


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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.