July flowers to plant: best plants for July (2024)

Head gardener at West Dean Gardens Tom Brown and nurseryman Keith Wiley pick the best flowers for July, including a lily and echinacea. Here's what to plant to make sure your garden is looking colourful in July, along with tips on how to care for each plant. Why not also read our piece on the best summer flowers for even more inspiration?

Here's which gardens to visit this month

The best flowers for the month of July

Hemerocallis 'Ariadne'

July flowers to plant: best plants for July (1)

Daylilies have an army of devotees, and in conjunction with hostas, even have a society of their own (sometimes affectionately referred to as the Hems and Hos). They are very reliable summer flowering perennials, but I wonder if in part, their popularity is because they will readily produce new flower forms, patterns and colours, when raised from seed. Interesting and lovely as these are, I prefer the simplicity, grace and charm of some of the older cultivars, such as ‘Ariadne’, which holds its scented flowers well above the foliage. Uncommon but worth searching for. Height 1m in flower. Origin Garden origin (species east Asia). Conditions Well-drained soil; full sun. Hardiness RHS H5, USDA 3a-9b†. Season of interest Summer.

Patrinia scabiosifolia

July flowers to plant: best plants for July (2)

As a general rule, the plants I like the most are those that exhibit a symmetry and beauty through the whole of their growing season. A beautiful flower is simply not enough, so I’m afraid a hybrid tea rose just doesn’t cut it for me. But with this plant I’m happy to bend the rules slightly. Because despite the rather ordinary basal foliage – which you can’t see in his image – this is a plant that has grace and form in spades. The flat heads of small flowers are an insect magnet with their colour accentuated in the upper flower stems. In flower, it is slightly reminiscent of a yellow Verbena bonariensis. Height 1-1.5m. Origin Eastern Asia. Conditions Well-drained soil; full sun. Hardiness RHS H6, USDA 5a-8b. Season of interest Summer.

Lilium 'Red Velvet'

July flowers to plant: best plants for July (3)

There are any number of lilies I would have loved to have included this month, but in the end that tricky decision was made for me when this one ended up looking especially lovely on the day the photographs were taken. It is an elegant hybrid Asiatic lily that has retained some of the charm of lily species, with up to
20 swept-back, Turk’s cap flowers of dark, rich red on each stem. It is sadly scentless but it is capable of growing up to 2m high when happy. Fabulous in a spot where the flowers can be backlit by sunlight. It prefers more alkaline conditions, so is less tall on my acidic soil. Height 1-2m. Origin Garden origin (species east Asia). Conditions Well-drained, preferably alkaline, soil; part shade. Hardiness RHS H6, USDA 3a-8b. Season of interest Summer.

Crocosmia masoniorum 'Rowallane yellow'

July flowers to plant: best plants for July (4)

Of the many crocosmias I grow, this is the one I would be most lost without. I am clearly not alone in my affection for this plant as this is also one of the plants we are most asked about by visitors to our garden. Highly floriferous, it is both graceful and elegant in flower – which it does for a very long time – and also offers a good balance between leaf and flower. These are all attributes not always associated with many of the red cultivars with a similar flower shape and habit. Easy to grow it is equally as easy on the eye. AGM. Height 1.2m. Origin Garden origin (species from South Africa). Conditions Well-drained soil; full sun. Hardiness RHS H4, USDA 5a-9b. Season of interest Summer.

Hoheria 'Glory of Amlwch'

July flowers to plant: best plants for July (5)

Hoherias are small, flowering trees that make wonderful focal points among the massed ranks of flowering perennials that dominate our gardens at this time of year. For many years, they were considered slightly tender, but, given a sunny, well-drained spot they seem remarkably resilient. As they are also quick growing, I’ve used them as nurse trees, to protect slower growing plants beneath, and even as windbreaks. This cultivar makes a gently arching rounded small tree reliably covering itself in flowers. Height 5-6m. Origin Garden origin (species from New Zealand). Conditions Most well-drained soils; full sun to part shade.
Hardiness RHS H4, USDA 7a-10b. Season of interest Summer.

Origanum ‘Kent Beauty’

July flowers to plant: best plants for July (6)

Although origanums are closely related to the herb marjoram, this is a purely ornamental low-growing plant for a sunny, well-drained site. The flowerheads strongly resemble miniature hop flowers and the floral bracts, which turn pink, last for months in the summer, long after the actual flowers have faded. Both of its parents are native to the Mediterranean area so it is not a fan of wet conditions, especially during its winter dormancy. Cold hardy and happy in the open garden in drier areas, it is also content to grow in containers in wetter climates. AGM. Height 15-20cm. Origin Garden origin (species from Mediterranean). Conditions Well-drained soil; full sun. Hardiness RHS H4, USDA 6a-9b. Season of interest All summer.

Eucryphia Lucida 'Ballerina'

July flowers to plant: best plants for July (7)

Eucryphia is another genus of useful summer-flowering small trees, nearly all with white flowers. Eucryphia lucida is normally an upright small tree with white flowers, in its native Tasmania, but two pink-flowered forms were found growing wild there by Ken Gillanders, who named them ‘Pink Cloud’ and ‘Ballerina’. I prefer the latter, which covers itself in scented flowers, prettily picotee-edged in pink, for most of the summer. Much admired here, its upright habit, small evergreen foliage and overall dimensions make it suitable for gardens of almost any size. AGM. Height 3-4m. Origin Tasmania. Conditions Well-drained soil; full sun to part shade. Hardiness RHS H4, USDA 7a-10b. Season of interest All summer.

Echinacea ‘Aloha’

July flowers to plant: best plants for July (8)

I’ll be the first to admit that I was very sceptical when I heard that the RHS was trialling new Echinacea as I’d always dismissed the coloured cultivars as novelty and lacking in perenniality. How wrong I was. Five years after the trial began, many have not only survived but thrived at RHS Wisley, putting paid to my concerns about their garden worthiness. This one is particularly tasteful, delivering buttermilk flowers during July and high summer, which fade to leave a typical conehead as added interest. Try mixing with purple sedums and bronze grasses. Height 50cm-1m. Origin Garden origin (species from Eastern and Central North America). Conditions Best performance in reasonably deep soil; full sun. Hardiness RHS H5, USDA 3a-8b. Season of interest June to August.

Helianthus annuus ‘Ms Mars’

July flowers to plant: best plants for July (9)

Throughout the summer of 2015 I trialled more than 100 different forms of sunflower and became totally enamoured with the dwarf cultivars. These delivered stems that were long enough for cutting but which required no staking. One that stood out from the crowd was ‘Ms Mars’. Its distinct, pink and claret-coloured flowers are produced profusely on knee-high plants. Like all sunflowers, they give a much-needed boost of colour to our gardens when the heat of July and summer has drawn some of the vim and vigour out of our displays. Height 50cm-1m. Origin Garden origin (species from USA and Central America). Conditions Moist but well-drained soil; full sun. Hardiness RHS H4, USDA 2a-11. Season of interest July to September.

Penstemon ‘Raven’

July flowers to plant: best plants for July (10)

Among the plethora of penstemons currently at our disposal, this classic cultivar is one that has stood the test of time, and rightly so. Tubular, dark-purple flowers appear throughout July and the summer and into the autumn and the intensity of the flowers contrast well with vibrant reds, such as Echinacea ‘Tomato Soup’ or Achillea millefolium ‘Red Velvet’. If your garden is in something of a cold spot, strike semi-ripe wood cuttings and overwinter in a frost-free place to ensure successive garden performance for years to come. AGM. Height 50cm-1m. Origin Garden origin (species from America and Mexico). Conditions Fertile, free-draining soil; full sun. Hardiness RHS H3, USDA 6a-9b. Season of interest Summer until first frosts.

Nigella papillosa ‘Delft Blue’

July flowers to plant: best plants for July (11)

Once you’ve tried growing Nigella papillosa cultivars you may not want to return to the more familiar Nigella damascena. The beauty of the papillosa nigellas plant lies both in their exaggerated flowers and their subsequent seedheads, which are simply stunning in their own right and look great in borders. The flowers are unusual with bicoloured blooms of white and deep blue on sturdy stems. Nigellas can be equally successful directly sown into a border or started off in modules and then planted out when the plants are large enough. Height 50cm. Origin Garden origin (species from Spain and North Africa). Conditions Reasonable soil; full sun. Hardiness RHS H3, USDA 2a-11. Season of interest June, July until August from a spring sowing.

Limonium platyphyllum

July flowers to plant: best plants for July (12)

Surely this plant is due a garden revival? It baffles me why people currently don’t grow it more often. Limonium is very tolerant of drier conditions and exposed sites, for those of us who struggle with such conditions. I first encountered sea lavender, many years ago, as a cut flower, and saw its potential to associate with a number of other garden plants. I now use it among roses at the front of the border throughout July, where its purple, firework-like flowers shroud the roses’ bare bases. As its blooms fade, they leave a graceful seedhead, which does not need to be hastily tidied away. Height 50cm-1m. Origin Asia, southeast and central Europe. Conditions Free-draining soil, tolerant of chalk in sun or partial shade. Hardiness RHS H7, USDA 3a-9b. Season of interest July and August.

Dahlia ‘Gwyneth’

July flowers to plant: best plants for July (13)

Waterlily types of dahlia make great subjects for cutting and garden display in July: their long stems provide continuous blooms from summer right through to the first frosts. ‘Gwyneth’ provides a symphony of burnt orange, bronze and yellow tones in its flower, which I find really appealing. I would recommend cutting stems to a strong pair of buds just as they are freshly opening, a technique known as live-heading, to stay on top of your dahlias. This way you’ll improve the flowering performance, ensuring plenty of stems for cutting – and a well-presented garden plant as a result. Height 1.5m. Origin Garden origin (species from Mexico and Central America). Conditions Fertile, well-drained soil; sun. Hardiness RHS H3, USDA 7a-10b. Season of interest July until first frosts.

Alstroemeria ‘Pandora’

July flowers to plant: best plants for July (14)

Originally bred for the Dutch cut flower trade, this is an excellent addition to a cutting garden or border. I adore the rich purple flowers that can work with most colours throughout July and the summer, offering a sultry foil to other plants. Alstroemerias are incredibly generous flowerers. To ensure rapid regrowth, pull the stems rather than cut them to stimulate growth. Alstroemerias will flower from early summer until the frosts but need a little protection with a bark mulch for their first winter. It’s well worth seeking out this cultivar – I’ve grown it and been happy with it for years. Height 1m. Origin Garden origin (species from South America). Conditions Organically rich, free-draining soil; sun. Hardiness RHS H4, USDA 5a-9b. Season of interest Early summer until first frosts.

Don't miss Tom Brown's tour of West Dean gardens

July flowers to plant: best plants for July (2024)


Can I still plant flowers in July? ›

July is a great time to add quick-blooming wildflowers like Alyssum, Red Poppy, Zinnia, and Cosmos to your garden. These wildflowers grow and bloom in just weeks, giving them plenty of time to create an end-of-season show in your garden if planted in July.

What is the plant for July? ›

Swiss Chard. Mid- to late-July is the ideal time to start growing cool-season plants such as hardy and delicious Swiss chard. While these leafy greens can withstand cold nights, it's recommended that Swiss chard seeds are sowed at least 50 days before the first hard frost for a fruitful fall harvest.

What flower seeds are best for July? ›

July is the ideal time to sow spring-flowering perennial seeds for next year in trays filled with good quality compost. Try aquilegia x hybrida 'McKana Giants Mixed', bellis and delphinium hybridum 'Magic Fountains Mixed'.

What flower is popular in July? ›

Think of the lush dahlias, the fragrant lilies, or the delicate freesias; each brings its unique flair, woven with the July signature all over. Moreover, July's seasonal flowers are more environmentally conscious choices.

Is it okay to plant perennials in July? ›

You can continue planting perennials throughout the summer—and you should! to buy them every year like you do for annuals. So why not just buy some perennials in spring and be done? sure you have blooms in your garden throughout the entire growing season.

Is it too late to plant anything in July? ›

Learning the correct vegetables and herbs to plant in July can help you extend the harvest season into fall. Despite common perception, July is not too late to plant new seeds or young transplants—it all depends on finding the right species that can grow to maturity before the first frost date in your region.

Can you plant geraniums in July? ›

When can I put my geraniums out? Always wait until all risk of frost has passed, before putting your overwintered geraniums back outside. This is usually from late May but in the far north may be as late as mid-June.

Can you plant anything in late July? ›

You actually can plant many different edibles and ornamentals in July to squeeze out a second harvest or brighten up faded flower beds, containers and planter boxes. Many types of edibles can be planted from seed even now, as long as you have enough time left before a frost.

What flowers bloom in July? ›

Dahlias. With their intricate texture and range of sizes, dahlias are a gorgeous choice to add a statement to any bouquet or centerpiece. "These are the perfect July and August flower," says White.

Can cucumbers be planted in July? ›

Though you won't have quite as long of a harvest window as you would with a spring-planted cucumber crop, if you plant more cucumbers in early July you'll have a second harvest of this delicious, easy-to-grow crop.

Is it too late to plant flower seeds in July? ›

You can plant in your garden every single day in the month of July to take full advantage of the long, sunny days of summer. While I'd love to give you a hard and fast rule for what you can still plant in your raised bed kitchen garden in the middle of summer, it will vary depending on where you live.

What are the two birth flowers for July? ›

If you're intrigued by birth flowers and their meanings, then you'll love reading up on the July birth flowers, the water lily and the larkspur. While they're strikingly different from one another, they both embody the aquatic energy that the cancer zodiac sign (and therefore July babies) are so well known for.

Is July too late to plant wildflower seeds? ›

Planting in summer is not recommended since it is difficult to keep seed beds continually moist for the first 4-6 weeks. The hot summer sun tends to dry the soil out too quickly. Wildflower seeds can also be planted in fall in cool climates.

When should I plant flowers for summer? ›

While spring blooming bulbs should be planted in the fall, summer-blooming bulbs should be planted in mid-spring, after the frost's risk has passed. Usually, we're safe to plant summer-blooming bulbs after the second week of May. However, if you haven't planted your summer bulbs yet, it's not too late!


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.